Dan did what we've been talking about doing
ALLLL summer... and it took all of ten minutes in the end! With a little creative licence over our rental house, and a
small amount of remodelling (no-one will miss a coupla feet of downpipe!), we now have, in addition to the present rainwater tank of roughly 200L capacity, an extra 18oL of rain harvesting potential! I think watching me run around in sopping pajamas on Saturday morning gathering small tubs of rainwater and filling every available vessel with it was the clincher! He then proceeded to do manly things with sawhorses and tools! I had a turn, just to say I helped, but after a few (wonky) slides of the plane, I announced that I was bored and wandered off to the study to organise stationery!

I may be a bit limp-wristed with tools and furniture-making, but I make a
mean chicken tagine!

(It's also becoming clear that I am now a student with time on my hands! Wait with baited breath for the procrastinatory [spelling? actual existance of word? care factor?] blog-posts as deadlines arise...)
Very nice. Apparently there's been a big spate of stolen wheely bins in Darebin for grey water systems - pleased to see you guys are on the level.
Glad to see you're enjoying shhhcool too.
Yeah, SO on the level that when the lady at the large multi-national hardware shop only charged us for ONE of the three bins, Dan ethically stayed quiet and got them for a barg!
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