Sunday, June 08, 2008


I got tagged to answer (answer? fill out? how does one respond to a meme? what is a "meme" exactly?) by this lady.

So here are my responses...

What was I doing 10 years ago?
Oh god. Erm...
Possibly moving from a share-house in Northcote to another in Clifton Hill; halfway through my BA in Linguistics; smoking a lot of dope but planning to quit; going to raves and indulging in other substances; wearing lots of glitter, bindis and fluoro accessories (dear God!); making a set of costumes for my ex-sister-in-law's dance production; pining over my socially-awkward archaelogist housemate, and generally thinking I was pretty clever and street-wise! (Which clearly I so wasn't!)

Five snacks I enjoy in a perfect, non weight-gaining world:
1. hot jam donuts
2. white christmas
3. lashings of gorgonzola (more of a non-tight-budget world)
4. pork crackling
5. King Island Belgian Chocolate cream dessert (Dad bought me some after Jethro was born...mmmm!)

Five snacks I enjoy in the real world:
1. seasonal fruit
2. toast with avocado and black pepper
3. sushi rolls
4. turkish bread, dukka and olive oil
5. jerky

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. build our house and fit it with the best of everything we want (yoga studio, totally self-sufficient, orchard and gardens, lap pool...)
2. buy a really cool car and get it greened up so I could drive it guilt-free
3. buy a few homes around the world, including one in Rio, so I could be near my brother
4. do something philanthropic, like set up community wind-farms or solar-power a school or something
5. um...I dunno, it's been so long since I fantasised about having squillions of dollars. I just want enough dollars to get by without stressing. So, maybe another atruistic thing. Definitely something towards a more sustainable environment.

Five jobs that I have had:
1. chamber-maid (for one lousy, tedious, stressful day!)
2. child-care worker
3. dish-pig
4. life model
5. graphic artist

Three of my habits:
1. finishing other people's sentences (often wrongly!)
2. looking for errant curly hairs on my scalp and plucking them out (like a simian looking for lice - one of my least attractive traits!)
3. making to-do lists

Five places I have lived:
1. a dome in Hobart
2. North Fitzroy with her
3. Northcote
4. Clifton Hill
5. Preston
....basically, within pages 29-30 of the Melways!

I'm s'posed to tag five others to do this, but I can't really think of five other bloggers, so I might just let it end here.

I expect I'll get 7 years bad luck or something.

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