Because I'm anal, and I like to keep things organised nicely. This blog is for fads and general life rambles and activities, Stella is for Stella pictures, Buttons is for badges and the new one is for my list of things good about Tasmania. This new venture is my self-prescribed therapy for dealing with increasing feelings of angst and panic at moving house/ moving state/moving back(wards?) / moving to an island.

The idea is to catalogue all the great cafes, shops, venues, natural wonders and gold in them there hills that I come across once I move to Hobart, as a reminder to myself that whilst it may not be Melbourne (which is a good thing, really!) it does have plenty to satisfy needs for good food, cultural diversity (I'm not sure about this one, but I'm hoping!) and entertainment.
I secretly hope that it might even become a bit of a hipsters guide to Tassie! (Which would mean more secret hoping that I am actually a bit hip myself!)
Is that a eensy beensy green bag?
I tagged you for a meme.
Yes, it's Stella's "green" shopping bag (possibly one of the least "green" types of product out there!)
Thanks for the tag! I will get onto it now!!
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