Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Health vs fitness - the dilemma!

I hate when you think you might be getting sick. Apart from the whole "this means I am now going to be sick" thing, there is the interruption to the flow of life in that vague am-I-aren't-I? phase, when everyone tells you you shouldn't do exercise because it makes the cold, in this case, worse and take longer to go. I wanted to go to the gym because I'm feeling a bit winter-porky, but now I'm instead sitting with a belly full of soup and a plan to go to bed by 9. Though I AM knackered, and the thought of my bed and book is so very nice! Ah, fuck it! What's a bit of winter chub?! I'll be glad of it if society crumbles into anarchy tomorrow (and it might... the weather forecast DID say light rebellion with a chance of anarchy.)!
On that utterly pointless and self-indulgent note... time for a cup of tea and a biscuit!


Penni Russon said...

Zoe you don't have a square cm of chub on you. Or is that cubic cm? Anyway, you don't have it. You look great. You really do.

Zedd said...

Thanks Pen! Love your guts!