But it's not really
stalking per se,
scoping I like to think of it as. So I walked up to my new street with my new house and kinda stood outside for a while fantasising that I was coming home to it. Wandered my new neighbourhood, mentally tagging
that cafe for Saturday morning breakfasts,
that op shop for weekend rummaging,
that organic butcher/post office/supermarket. Timed how long it would take me to get to my old haunts (15 minutes at a brisk walk! Very pleased!) as I am a creature of habit who fears and distrusts radical change. Er, yeah, yeah, I'm joking. I looooove change! I love it in small, measured, reasonable doses, with plenty of lead-time and lots of progress reports. Anyway, I just had to go check out the place again, to make it real, and confirm what I know to be a grand decision.
I am tres excited!
But where is it? I think I can guess actually but you must send me an email...quik quick quick!
Yes, it's very exciting, but I will also be sad to leave that rambly house of larfs and good times. Lil Lounger (and her ilk!) will always be welcome at the Love-Nest!
Just had a look....wow! It looks huge and the windows are gorgeous. Nice street too, can't wait to see inside.
Yes, and embarrassing thing... we did a little drive-by stalk together Saturday arvo and the blummin tenant and his daughter and all the blummin neighbours were in the street and just as I was pointing the correct house out to D, the tenant and I made eye contact! I expect a restraining order soon!
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