Thursday, June 29, 2006

Things to loathe and lurve...

Stuff I don't like:
Pretending to give a shit about next season's range of department store pajamas... People! This is NOT important! I can't feign interest any more! I have to get a new line of work!!!
Sitting at a computer under fluoro lights for 8 hours.
Ironing. (Crumples look more arty and interesting anyway)
Holding in farts at the office. Letting one sneak out only to have some well-meaning colleague choose THAT whiffy moment to come have a chat on the edge of your desk.

Stuff I DO like:
Tinned tuna.
The feeling I have after doing some focused yoga.
CanSolo (my dear little car...warm, roadworthy, tinny and very yellow. A real Harry High-hat.)

Stuff I can't live without:
My three favourite cats in the world, one of them human.
...and now blogging, it appears!


Zedd said...

Yes, I've often fantasised about working as a landscape gardener or brickie's labourer or something else grungy and outdoorsy, where farting would be both acceptable and discreetly executed if need be.

And yes, I am already too into this blogging lark. I am in danger. Somebody do an intervention!

Penni Russon said...

No way, blog mooooore, I love this blog.
I think there are certain vocations where farting is not only acceptable, but a glorious celebration of the digestive system.