Winter Beach Market, this Saturday June 6th, 9-2 at the Blackman's Bay Hall, the Esplanade, Blackman's Bay.
Come along and you can see and BUY some of these little beauties:
They're all original, hand-cut paper candle shades and they're way more delicious in person! Look for the Zando stall, also selling badges and cards, possibly bib+washer sets, toddler-free time permitting!
Una thinks they're gorgeous (and so do I). You are SO clever!
I'm a little slow but yr lights look awesome lady...
Will be great to catch up for brekky this weekend!
Hola! Couldn't login to facebook for some reason so thought I'd leave a message for you here instead... for refurbished machines...
also, these guys had an ad in Macworld for a brand new 20" 2.4ghz machine for $1599...can't find it on their website though...maybe worth a phone call...hope yr flight home was ok! Let me know what you find/get!
oh i just found this one...
that is a goooood deal! 24" is loverly...i have one at work...
Thanks Marika! I'll have my computer man interpret it for me!!!
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