Okay, some might say that it isn't necessarily the prettiest piece of industrial design, but it serves a great purpose and I can't imagine what you would do without one. I have to admit, I do rather like the aesthetics of them myself (form following function?), and I find the sight of a line full of clean laundry snapping away in the breeze and sending off waves of sun-baked cleanliness a lovely thing to behold. I don't know anyone who would deny the pleasure of climbing between clean sheets dried in the sun and wind. That fragrance goes up there with fresh-baked bread, newly cut grass and baby skin as top-ten all-time best smells.
Maybe it's a particularly Australian thing to do, but I was flabbergasted to read this article about how it is so rare to hang laundry outside in Canada that it's a newsworthy event when someone does it unashamedly! There are even tips at the end of the article about how to dry laundry without using a dryer, like putting your delicate smalls on a rack indoors to "avoid embarrassment"! Cos having clean undies is pretty mortifying. I'd rather everyone thought I never washed mine at all, or just threw them out after each wear!
I know dryers can be handy, but really, most of the time they are totally unnecessary for most people. Especially in a country forever gripped by drought!
Besides, some days, if it weren't for the endless stream of laundry to be hung, I might never leave the house!

Uh-huh! We're living on an 8 hectare property surrounded by trees and don't have a clothesline! Neither do the yards leading into town and we're in rural(ish), population 4500, Fernie where there's lots of forward thinkers and enviro types...hell! we have 2 hippy shops and a hempire!
P.S. loving your TTV stuff...must give it a go myself one of these days
Geez, the 8-hectares surrounded by trees sounds alright though!
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