Friday, May 09, 2008

Fad no# 24: TTV Photography!

I have had good intentions of blogging more often since I've been at home with a baby, but frankly, I'm fucked if I have anything interesting to say most of the time! And on the rare occasion that I might think up a thought worth writing, I lose it in the quagmire of my fritzed short-term memory before I can find ten minutes to post it when I don't have a baby dangling from one of my sad udders!
But last weekend, while feeling particularly sorry for myself, I was ambling about my saved websites and rediscovered these lovely images. I assumed they were taken using some fandangled fancy camera, or printed on some fabulous type of paper, but when I did a whole five minutes research (my old friend google), it turned out to be a very simple technique, that even very simple folk like me could muck about with at home!
So...what is TTV photography? Basically, shooting with a digital camera through the viewfinder of an older camera. And that's it, as far as I can gather. Dead easy. And effective! I wanked about one afternoon, in failing light what's more, and came up with a few okay pictures, I think, after a bit of diddling with the contrast in photoshop to make up for poor light and such.
So here are some that I was pretty pleased with, given it was my first crack at it and it was getting dark and I was dicking about at home and while walking the baby and, erm, the dog ate my homework. (Just gotta cover all bases!)

1 comment:

madelyn said...

I love them! Especially the old car, the old radio and the red flowers.
Great stuff, looking forward to seeing more :)