Monday, September 11, 2006

Fad No# 17: Pruning

Long story: While D was having a lovely time weeding and pruning out the back yesterday, I tried to apply for my Grad Dip through VTAC online..mutter mutter...wasted an hour painstakingly filling out boxes and waiting for each agonising page to load...curse, wigged out and crashed before I finished...extreme swearing with c-words shouted repeatedly at the computer, tried to start again with loads more swearing and patience-well run completely dry...c-hunting froze up early on...C-HUNT! C-HUNT!...stomping out the back to display my righteous fury to Dan and kick a wall or two, grabbed the pruning shears from him...C-HUNTING VTAC!!!..
Short story: the lavender bush out the front suffered a severe and ruthless pruning. However no animals were hurt in the making of this post.


Penni Russon said...

So now what? HAve you applied?

Zedd said...

Oooog! Will get there eventually!