I am hereby officially retracting my previously disparaging comments about blogging... as I think it very likely that I am going to take it up again myself! I realised, reading back through old posts, that I rather enjoy the process of composing a post, of posting pictures of stuff I like or have done, and generally journaling stuff as I see it. I think that in the time that is coming, that of new parenthood, I may feel the need to use my brain occasionally for more than just working out the shopping list or sorting the laundry. Of course, I have creative plans to be getting on with as well, but for those in-between times, I might as well keep my language skills above 'A-goo! A-booh! A-brrrrrrrr!' and the like (baby-talkin'... for those who might be reading and wondering if I have
already lost my mind!)
And in the meantime, until I think of some clever and funny things to write about, here are some pictures of stuff...

My excellent Xmas presents from Dan: a fabulous badge-frame handmade by Him (no, not god), a spiffy Crumpler camera bag, and the coolest retro radio!!!

A self-portrait I made for a subject at Uni... quite pleased with this! One of the few bits of art I made in 07, what with doing lesson plans and teaching rounds!

A cut-paper collage birthday card I made for Dan... note how I cleverly (read: utterly stupidly) made the hammer the wrong way around - unless you're
s'posed to strike things with the claw?
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