Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A Labour of Love!
How timely, that the day after I resign myself to a 40-week pregnancy, the baby decides now is as good a time as any to get out there and into it!!
Saturday, January 12:
3am. Waters break.
2.09 pm. Little boy born.
2.10 pm. I say "Fuck!! Oh fuck!! What do I do?!!"
So what do I do?
I feed, sleep, gaze, stroke downy skin, and endlessly ponder the state of my beleaguered bazooms.
My lovely little J E P.
Saturday, January 12:
3am. Waters break.
2.09 pm. Little boy born.
2.10 pm. I say "Fuck!! Oh fuck!! What do I do?!!"
So what do I do?
I feed, sleep, gaze, stroke downy skin, and endlessly ponder the state of my beleaguered bazooms.
My lovely little J E P.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Putting the 'crap' into 'carp'...

Last year was first in a good decade that I didn't do anything to cover my plain blue diary, and whilst it turned out that I survived with it like that, I prefer a diary that is a bit memorable and unique. So this year, I thought I would attempt one last creative project before baby-land.
I can't take the credit for the originality of the artwork - I basically did a fairly dodgy knock-off of a piece of tattoo flash from the net. My painting skills were very rusty, and while they developed along the way, on the whole it is a decidedly slapdash affair (note the streaky shellac!!)- but hell, it's only a diary! It only has to last me the year!
Fad no# whatever...Nostalgia TV
In the infinity that is the last weeks of pregnancy, the Groundhog Day of weird aches, spasms, bodily fluids, naps and tears, I have found solace in rewatching a favourite from adolescence: Press Gang! The dialogue stands up after all these years, the characters are strong, the rapport comes across as genuine, and the spark between the gorgeous Julia Sawalha and Dexter Fletcher (who I must admit, still does it for me!) is as fresh and dynamic as ever! God bless the local library's teen section!
If my library stocked early Grange Hill, Degrassi Junior High (the original) and the Goodies, I would be a happy couch potato!
If my library stocked early Grange Hill, Degrassi Junior High (the original) and the Goodies, I would be a happy couch potato!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Eating humble pie!
I am hereby officially retracting my previously disparaging comments about blogging... as I think it very likely that I am going to take it up again myself! I realised, reading back through old posts, that I rather enjoy the process of composing a post, of posting pictures of stuff I like or have done, and generally journaling stuff as I see it. I think that in the time that is coming, that of new parenthood, I may feel the need to use my brain occasionally for more than just working out the shopping list or sorting the laundry. Of course, I have creative plans to be getting on with as well, but for those in-between times, I might as well keep my language skills above 'A-goo! A-booh! A-brrrrrrrr!' and the like (baby-talkin'... for those who might be reading and wondering if I have already lost my mind!)
And in the meantime, until I think of some clever and funny things to write about, here are some pictures of stuff...
My excellent Xmas presents from Dan: a fabulous badge-frame handmade by Him (no, not god), a spiffy Crumpler camera bag, and the coolest retro radio!!!

A self-portrait I made for a subject at Uni... quite pleased with this! One of the few bits of art I made in 07, what with doing lesson plans and teaching rounds!

A cut-paper collage birthday card I made for Dan... note how I cleverly (read: utterly stupidly) made the hammer the wrong way around - unless you're s'posed to strike things with the claw?
And in the meantime, until I think of some clever and funny things to write about, here are some pictures of stuff...

A self-portrait I made for a subject at Uni... quite pleased with this! One of the few bits of art I made in 07, what with doing lesson plans and teaching rounds!

A cut-paper collage birthday card I made for Dan... note how I cleverly (read: utterly stupidly) made the hammer the wrong way around - unless you're s'posed to strike things with the claw?
I never said I was a GOOD poet!
Late pregnancy haikus:
High summer in urban Melbourne...
Chilled water, ice and fan
Next door's aircon blows warm winds
Panting on the couch
Next door's aircon blows warm winds
Panting on the couch
Conversations with strangers...
How long ya got, love?
Size of you, must be a boy!
Gotcha names picked yet?
Me and it...
Hullo Fidget-Kid!
Don't poke me in the bladder!
Wait til Dad gets home...
Surf the internet
Check my facebook, write emails
Wander 'round the house
See, I am clearly pretty bored! Have a sneaking suspicion that a haiku requires more than just filling in the syllables.
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