Saturday, May 12, 2007


Aaah! The sweet smell of a plan coming to fruition!
I am at the end of my first week of teaching rounds and I'm delighted to report that I loved it! Sure, I've made plenty of cock-ups and finished lessons with big gaps and empty spots in the kids' understanding, but I figure it's as good as I can get at this stage, and I'm working my bum off to do a good job, so I can't ask to do more than that!
I'm so pleased that I've finally reached a point where I look forward with happy anticipation to a time when I might have my OWN class one day...hopefully next year!
The honeymoon period...aint it grand?!


Penni Russon said...

Hooray!!!! Congratulations on the lurve. except eep, all my friends are getting grown up jobs. Oh hang on, so am I!!! Yes next semester I too will be a teacher (barring unfortuante incident or childcare issues), I've been asked to teach a short fiction class at Melbourne Uni. Woohoo to best laid plans (only, best laid plans go horribly wrong don't they? That's the rest of the quote. Let me look it up...okay awry. No, no...bad awry. Okay, how about woohoo to half baked plans, which is the currency you and I deal in best anyway).

Penni Russon said...

Actually it's: Gang aft a-gley. As in 'the best laid schemes of mice and men/Gang aft a-gley'

Funny old scots (Robert Burns).