Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snippets of a life

  • Our rubbish-bin water tanks work a treat - two were filled to overflowing from Thursday night's lovely rain!
  • It takes the first rain of the season to remember how not to ride your bike (ie: in sloppy trackies and a white tank. A day spent in classes wearing damp, clownishly baggy tracksuit bottoms and a virtually transparent top could've been better thought out.)
  • There is a new kitten in the 'hood. She is small and black and super soft and fluffy, we don't know where she comes from, but she marched up to our two old timers with utter aplomb and demanded company! Ours don't want a bar of it (too small to fight, too big to eat - they can't figure her out) but Dan and I had a lovely kitten-fix. We also had some serious Kitten-Kong flashbacks, picturing her marching up one day towering over Amos and Sabre and their sheepish retreats! (Yeah, it's alright to snarl now when she fits in a shoebox! Toughnuts!)
  • My brain is breaking. How many factoids and research papers can one brain safely consume in a 24-hour period? I've got learning a'plenty, but it hurrrrrts! And I'm already bored of being diligent. I want to go to the movies, go to the park, waste my time! Waaah! In fact, this post is a precious moment of scheduled 'relax' time. I have to hit the handouts again soon..... I only have a few more hours of viable brain-activity time left in the day before I truly meltdown.
  • I'll make a cup of tea. That's a valid getting-back-into-the-study activity. Then I'll really quickly clean the whole house from top to bottom and alphabetise my shoes and perm the cats and polish the drive, and then I can get back into it...might go see what the new kitten's up to as well...


Penni Russon said...

Well you have to bludge off with meeeee. Or I shall never return your blue hoodie. Mwah ha ha ha ha ha. And I've got work coming out of my eyeholes so we can feel guilty together.

Zedd said...

Easter is soon... two blissful weeks off. Maybe some playtime?