2007, eh?
Chalk up another year then.
So, December was customarily busy and overstretched, but I actually managed to achieve some set goals, which pleeeeased me. I made (read: bought and hand-decorated) a T-shirt for Dan from an idea of a year ago. Talk about closure on
that one! I also made, from scratch - pattern and all - a couple of kooky rag-dolls for the little girls in my world, complete with painted, big-eyed faces. Bratz, eat your hearts out! And knocked off two lovely stuffed bunnies from another internet crafter, again working out the pattern myself from two jpegs. (Not overly ethical, but they weren't for sale or anything, so I figure that covers me.) Was quite pleased with the result, except that my construction efforts were a bit freeform, and one of the creatures has been renamed Bummy Rabbit, for his unique face! (Pictures pending.)
After a gruelling round of barbies and kris kringles (thanks Santa for my lovely herbs!), we headed down to Taswegia for my family's series of dos. Two and a half weeks later, after some serious drinking (my long-lost cousin from the UK led me astray... margaritas and glow sticks were the order of the day!) and eating of much creamy things and meaty things and learning to love sudoku and going through the up and down agonies of whether to buy land down there (nothing yet, but it looks like the way of our future), we crammed our bags to the absolute max of wieght restrictions and staggered home laden with Tassie op-shop scores (more pictures pending), a handmade tagine, my new favourite toy - a badge-maker- and a severe case of culture shock. The wall of heat and smoke-haze that we walked into upon returning to Melbourne (truly living up to its nickname of Smelbourne) was overwhelming and distressing, especially after the relative cool greenness of Tassie. A tree-change to my old home-town looks ever more appealing with Victoria's current state in mind.
And what of January so far?
Well, I got a first round offer to my first preference Uni, and went off to enrol the other day. It looks to be a pretty big year - lots to learn, little income, little free time... but I think I can manage it. This also means I am at last leaving my brain-numbing job!!! After talking about it for over a year! Whoohoo!
I have mental lists of all I want to do this year (you might call them resolutions): in addition to Uni (at which I plan to excel!!!), I want to re-establish my fitness routine, make a stack of cool badges and start selling them, grow veggies (think I may have already killed some of the silverbeet from neglect though! I wasn't vigilant enough with the water yesterday in the 40 degrees heat.), harvest more rainwater, do more sewing, wear more sun protection, do more regular breast checks, spend quality time with friends and generally be an all-round great gal!
I'm sure I can muster up the oomph to do most of those things!